Ringside Medical, Inc. is a listing service only and is not responsible for incorrect or fraudulent medical results. In addition, Ringside Medical, Inc. is not responsible for notifying fighters of abnormal results or any additional follow-up or treatment recommendations. It is the responsibility of the fighter’s personal physician or diagnostic center to review and discuss all results with their clients. Ringside Medical, Inc. is not responsible for any information which is distributed without its expressed written permission. Utilizing this data for purposes other then those pertaining to boxing/MMA is strictly prohibited. For more information, please contact Ringside Medical, Inc..
Ringside Medical, Inc. is a listing service only and is not responsible for incorrect or fraudulent medical results. In addition, Ringside Medical, Inc. is not responsible for notifying fighters of abnormal results or any additional follow-up or treatment recommendations. It is the responsibility of the fighter’s personal physician or diagnostic center to review and discuss all results with their clients. Ringside Medical, Inc. is not responsible for any information which is distributed without its expressed written permission. Utilizing this data for purposes other then those pertaining to boxing/MMA is strictly prohibited. For more information, please contact Ringside Medical, Inc..